Tuesday, March 15, 2011


So, I've been really trying to look past all the political junk and focus on doing what I love: teaching.
I feel like as I look at my past entries, there is always something going on. Life always gets in the way of my job. Whether I'm down emotionally (to put it mildly, I guess), or tired, or in the middle of a change. Now the politics. I wonder if I'm finding an excuse as to why I'm not putting my whole self into my job.

I think I've mentioned it before, but I'm sure the kids don't notice. And I know I'm doing great activities, and great assessments, and I'm giving of myself every day. But, I think I know, deep down, that I've gotten lazy. My lazy is probably not what others would say is lazy. But I'm letting things slide, and sometimes I'm needing something new and not giving it.

I'm ready to try something else, because I'm bored. But I keep thinking-am I bored because I'm too lazy to try new things? I mean, I'm sick of doing the same activities, teaching the same content. As an applied teacher you just keep doing the same over and over. There's something to be said about the consistency that childs over different courses should get. And I have a curriculum to stick to. But that doesn't mean that how I teach-my delivery-can't change.

I think I need to focus on that as my goal.