Wednesday, February 23, 2011


So, I think this is a CRAZY time for our profession.
It's hard to not talk about it when kids ask questions. It's hard to push it out of my mind when I'm trying to teach.
Anyway, today was a hard day for me. We had a fire drill. The kids are not allowed to be talking at all during a fire drill. So a 7th grade boy was talking on his way out, and I bypassed my normal process and just said, quite firmly, "Absolutely NO talking. NONE" because I wanted them to know I mean business.
So, whatever, a few minutes go by, and I see him talking again. So I say, "Seriously?" and he stops.
Class finishes (we were taking an assessment) and a different boy comes up to my desk and says, "Mrs. Wopat? You know after you yelled at D in the line? He talked behind your back. He called you a fat bitch."
I wish I could tell you that it didn't make my cheeks burn. I wish I could say that I have thick skin and being called that didn't bother me at all. I wish I could say that a 12 year old couldn't make me feel bad about myself.
But I'm already stressed and tired and all the rest and it just kind of set me off.


I had to go hunt him down during academy and he pretended he hadn't sad it, and I almost let it go, but said, "Are you sure?" and he told me he did. He said he was sorry, but didn't mean it. Then he said he was just mad.
I told him how disappointed I am in him and that it will be hard for me to know he said those things about me and that I was shocked he would say something like it.
I don't know the right way to deal with it. I guess I thought even him just knowing that I know might have been embarrassing enough? I don't know.


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