Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Coming Back

So, I'm back from maternity leave. So much has happened in just 12 days of school for me, so I think I will make a list of highlights for now:

1. Having students tell me they missed me
2. Having students tell me they are learning now! (not a slight against my sub; she's great-just that it makes me feel effective)
3. Being asked to be the "celebrity" guest at the adaptive phy ed class. I played baseball with a giant bouncy ball and a tennis racket. I was not so good.
4. Singing
5. Laughing
6. Being surprised by some of the positive attitudes of certain staff members!
7. Finding it quite easy to get back in the swing of things
8. Already feeling like I was never gone (the good parts of that-feeling comfortable, feeling respect from the kids).
9. PBIS, 'nuff said.
10. It's sort of fun to not be "burnt out" at this time of year. It's the hardest time, in winter before the holidays, and so it's fun to have just started because I have a little more patience than normal during this time
11. Seeing how much the kids have grown since I saw them last!
12. Although I will never be the same, it's nice to be back without being in those nasty initial grief stages, not be pregnant and racked with anxiety, and not even trying to be pregnant, and have basicially a calm on all family fronts. I'm still distracted by the thought of my beauty at home, but it's a nice thought instead of the rest.
13. Although I have a lot to learn, I like Infinite Campus so far!

And the lowlights:
1. Having SO MANY kids. Seriously. This almost counters all my highlights :(
2. Having kids every other day. This schedule is HARD. I don't know who is coming or going. I have a hard time keeping 4 classes on the same track. I don't know how I'm going to grade them. I feel like when I don't have a class from Friday until Tuesday, I have to completely reteach the content-reviewing has become so much more important and time consuming.
3. Feeling like I have no clue about certain things-obviously this can't be helped, but sometimes I get SO confused!
4. Some classes have developed some (bad?) habits that I'm not used and have to work hard to re-direct.
5. Feeling like I haven't a good grasp on how the kids were graded.
6. I'm not feeling at ALL connected to my advisory. I struggle with that-it's always been one of my favorite classes and not being around for the get to know you stage is HARD!
7. I am TIRED!
8. I miss my baby girl so, so much.

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