Saturday, September 6, 2008

Better than Lambeau!

It's before class. 6th graders are shuffling in and one small, very innocent looking boy comes up to my desk, clutching a lilac-colored form. He nervously approaches my desk and begins what I'm very sure is a little speech that he has practiced.
Boy: "Bonjour, Madame Wopat. Puis-je parler en anglais?"
Me (with a big smile): "Oui!"
Boy: "I was wondering if you could sign this form. It says I will be gone on Monday since I am going to Green Bay to watch a Packer's game."
Me: "Sure! That sounds so fun! You're a lucky guy!"
Boy (with head down): "I don't feel so lucky. I don't even want to be gone! I love French class SO much. I can't believe I have to miss it!"

Now, those of you who may not work with kids, or may not work with 6th graders, you may jump to the conclusion of "What a suck-up!" However, if you know any 11 year olds on their 3rd day of middle school, your heart would MELT the way mine did when you heard this. You would instantly know that this is SO super genuine. The boy is still so innocent that he doesn't even know how to suck-up.

I immediately wanted to stand up, bottle this boy into something that I could keep at my house and take on those horrible winter mornings when I feel like if I go to school my life story might end up in a Lifetime movie. Maybe if I played it over and over again I could muddle through the crazy stress that is my life!!

I don't know-but being told you're better than Lambeau field is a pretty good feeling. This should last at least through Monday morning!!!

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