Monday, September 1, 2008

Twas the night before...

Today we begin the phenomenon that is known as "the night before the first day of school." In a teacher's life, it is never a great day. It is the day when we suddenly panic. Have we done everything we needed to be ready for the students? Have we relaxed enough? Did we iron the dress clothes that we have (very happily) left to wrinkle in our closet? Did we take the dog to the vet/get the oil changed/get our haircut/go to the dentist/clean the house/buy toilet paper/run every errand we could think of that we can never seem to get done during the school year?
The night before the last night of summer we make up our minds: tonight, we will go to bed early so that we get up early tomorrow so that we will be tired for bed. Last night it was around 11:30 when my husband said to me, "Babe? I think it's past our bedtime." In the summer, we are nocturnal beings. We love staying awake into the early hours of the morning-2, 3, even 4 a.m. Tonight, it's as though different people have taken over our bodies.
It is the same every year:
The clock says 9:30: It's officially "time for bed."
Pick out outfit.
Set the alarm.
Take the dog out.
Check e-mail.
Check the alarm.
Get into bed.
Check the alarm.
Lay there.
Ask if spouse is still awake.
Groan about how you should be asleep because tomorrow you will be so crabby if you don't get your 8 hours.
Does the dog need water?
Wait, I need water.
Is my bag packed?
Is there gas in the car?
Run into the other room to add something to the "to-do" list.
Check the alarm.
Lather, rinse, repeat.
Honestly, it's as though we've never been through a "first day of school" before. You'd think that having been through that approximately 20 times would ease the anxiety. Instead, at about 1:00 a.m. I usually threaten my husband and try to force feed him with Tylenol p.m. if he doesn't get to sleep.
What is there to worry about?
Losing your class lists? :)

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