Sunday, September 21, 2008

Homecoming Week

I have done a lot of crazy things in my life thus far. Maybe not crazy like sky diving or bungee jumping, but I pretty much have made a fool out of myself in a number of ways. For four summers in college I worked at a French Immersion summer camp where the kids would come to have "typical" summer camp, only everything would be in French. The food, the games, the classes, and the language! In order to make it so the kids would actually understand and have fun, you pretty much had to do whatever you could. A highlight of this might be me, with a sheet over my head and a bucket, pretending to be a toilet and cough up too much papertowels....about 5 times in a row for a station activity. (My boss did say I was the best toilet he'd ever employed). Another might be the time I wore a blue spandex body suit and pretended I was a mutated beaver on the prowl to kidnap TinTin during "Plaisirs d'amour" our daily soap opera. The list could go on and on. Basically, I don't have a box.
So when dress-up days come at school, while some teachers squirm just thinking about it, I embrace them. Heck, I use barbie dolls at least 3 times a day to help me teach-what is a little pajama day? It actually shocks me how some teachers are so formal and stiff. I don't know how they actually became teachers because it seems like they don't like having fun, or even like kids. Not up to me to judge, I guess.
Dressing up is just one part of homecoming week-the other part is that the children turn INSANE. I'm so serious. I dare you to try to get the kids to work on Friday of homecoming week. The worst part is that I work with 12, 13, and 14 year olds. They don't even care about homecoming. They just seize the opportunity to be goofy whenever they can. That said, I'm on the fence about homecoming week.
I'm off to go shop for tomorrow...."Monster Monday." :)

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